React Context for Dependency Injection Not State Management

Originally published on the Test Double blog here

In discussions of React application architecture, React Context is often brought up as a way to implement “State Management” yourself. Some really great blog posts exist that provide techniques for implementing that exact thing like “Application State Management with React” by Kent C. Dodds. This technique can be useful for specific, one-off cases but less so for an entire application architecture. An article by Mark Erikson, maintainer of Redux, titled “Why React Context is Not a “State Management” Tool (and Why It Doesn’t Replace Redux)" provides some excellent arguments and marshalls other great articles as reference.

In this post, I would like to summarize some of Mark Erikson’s ideas and expand on an idea he introduces there: React Context is a tool for dependency injection, not state management.

Recap of “Why React Context is Not a State Management Tool”

Let’s start with some definitions he provides (many sourced from other great articles):

Libraries like Redux, MobX, Recoil, Apollo, and React Query perform the four requirements of “state management” and so are all well classified as “state management libraries”. React Context on the other hand does not meet all the requirements. Technically, Context allows storing a value, reading a value, and notifying on changes to a value, after a fashion, but updating a value is non-existent. The only way to change the value stored in Context is to pass in a new prop to the context provider, but then where is that prop coming from? It’s either coming from a separate React State call (e.g. useState, useReducer, or class component this.state) or an external system. React Context can almost update a value itself, but not quite.

Mark also points out one of the primary problems with storing state values directly inside of React Context:

“[When Context receives] a new state value, all components that are subscribed to that context will be forced to re-render, even if they only care about part of the data.”

Now this may lead to problems, or it may not. React core team architect Sebastian Markbage describes the use cases of Context as follows:

“My personal summary is that new context is ready to be used for low frequency unlikely updates (like locale/theme). It’s also good to use it in the same way as old context was used. I.e. for static values and then propagate updates through subscriptions. It’s not ready to be used as a replacement for all Flux-like state propagation.”

The article ends with well-reasoned recommendations for how to go about choosing a state management library and approach.

React Context in the Wild

Here are real-world code examples showing exactly what Mark Erikson described: most (all?) State Management libraries use React Context for dependency injection but not for transmitting raw data.

The following are source code snippets from Redux (react-redux), Recoil, Apollo, and React Query showing that what they actually store in Context is a Stateful container object that manages your data.

The official React bindings for Redux, react-redux, passes the Redux store and a Subscription object via context ( ref ).

import { ReactReduxContext } from './Context'
import Subscription from '../utils/Subscription'

function Provider({ store, context, children }) {
  const contextValue = useMemo(() => {
    const subscription = new Subscription(store)
    subscription.onStateChange = subscription.notifyNestedSubs
    return {
  }, [store])

  // ... other stuff

  const Context = context || ReactReduxContext

  return <Context.Provider value={contextValue}>{children}</Context.Provider>

React Query and Apollo both pass “client” objects via context that use observers to watch and mutate their data. Recoil uses two contexts to track a “Store” and “MutableSource” which also, you guessed it, implement an observation/subscription model to watch and mutate its data. MobX React includes one optional “Provider/Inject” feature that uses context to … pass MobX observables down the tree.

In all these cases, context is used as a dependency injection mechanism for passing some kind of observable/subscribable/container object down the React component tree to be accessed by other library code. The actual “4 requirements of state management” are implemented by the library, not React Context.

Dependency Injection Generally

Dependency Injection (DI) is a technique to manage the dependencies of your program. Why do we care about that? Because a dependency represents a risk. Now “Coupling” is a tightly related issue that many programming aphorisms, thought leaders, and books remind us to minimize—“Loose coupling; high cohesion” is one of those. Coupling refers to the degree of dependency between parts of your code. The greater extent one piece of code depends on another, the greater the two are coupled. Some coupling and dependence is necessary because without it you couldn’t use abstractions to build your code upon. And without abstractions, we would be writing all our software as CPU instructions at best, or be hardwiring circuit boards at worst.

Dependency injection can be as simple as passing the dependencies of a module or component into it rather than having them hardcoded in.

Consider this HttpClient JavaScript class that uses the browser Fetch API to request data from a RESTful backend:

// services/HttpClient.js

export class HttpClient {
  async fetchProducts() {
    const resp = await fetch('/api/products');
    return resp.json();

  async fetchOrders() {
    const resp = await fetch('/api/orders');
    return resp.json();

  // ... more API endpoint stuff ...

And it, in turn, is consumed by a ProductsService that is more “products aware” and provides higher-level operations:

// services/ProductsService.js
import {HttpClient} from './HttpClient.js'

export class ProductsService {
  constructor() {
    this.client = new HttpClient();

  async lookupNewProducts() {
    const products = await this.client.fetchProducts();
    return products.filter(product => product.isNew);

  async lookupProductsWithPromo() {
    const products = await this.client.fetchProducts();
    return products.filter(product => product.promos.length > 0);

  // ... more product specific stuff ...

Here’s what this code would look like implementing a common dependency injection technique called “Constructor Injection”:

import {HttpClient} from './HttpClient.js'

export class ProductsService {
  constructor(client) {
    this.client = client || new HttpClient();

  // ... everything else the same ...

In this approach, we allow the caller to supply its own “client” as a constructor argument. The change is small, but it provides us a few benefits that make it easier to test and safely reuse our code.

Here’s a test in Jest of the original code before we injected the client:

// services/__tests__/ProductsService.test.js
import {ProductsService} from '../ProductsService.js';
import {HttpClient} from './HttpClient.js';

// Setup our method mock and then the import mock. I need to
// look this particular recipe up everytime I use it.
const mockFetchProducts = jest.fn();
jest.mock('./HttpClient.js', () => {
  return jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
    return {fetchProducts: mockFetchProducts}

// Don't forget these lines or else our tests will bleed
// into eachother.
beforeEach(() => {

describe('ProductsService', () => {
  describe('lookupNewProducts()', () => {
    it('filters for only new products', async () => {
      // Set the inner mock of the inner dependency to
      // return our test data
        { id: 1, isNew: true },
        { id: 2, isNew: false }
      const service = new ProductsService();

      const result = await service.lookupNewProducts();

      expect(result[0]).toEqual({id: 1, isNew: true})

  // ... etc.

Now here’s a test of our dependency injected ProductsService:

// services/__tests__/ProductsService.test.js
import {ProductsService} from '../ProductsService.js';

describe('ProductsService', () => {
  describe('lookupNewProducts()', () => {
    it('filters for only new products', async () => {
      // Simply pass a fake object that implements the same
      // client interface needed by the system under test
      const service = new ProductsService({
        async fetchProducts() {
          return [{ id: 1, isNew: true }, { id: 2, isNew: false }]

      const result = await service.lookupNewProducts();

      expect(result[0]).toEqual({id: 1, isNew: true})

  // ... etc.

More clean, concise, and focused with the following upsides:

Beyond testing, what if we needed to do some special setup to our HTTPClient when it was running under a particular user like set some default HTTP Headers? We could instantiate the client ourselves and provide any configurations we wanted before passing it into our service:

const client = new HttpClient()
client.setDefaultHeaders({'X-APP-ROLE': 'cool user'});
const service = new ProductsService(client);

The service remains oblivious to these changes.

Or maybe, we need to migrate our API backend to GraphQL, but only on our Beta site until it’s stable and tested. We could re-use our same ProductsService with an alternative GraphQLClient that implemented the same interface and simply pass it into the constructor new ProductsService(new GraphQLClient()) and BLAM! it would be doing GraphQL for that instance but REST for other instances.

const client = checkIfBetaAccount()
  ? new GraphQLClient()
  : new HttpClient();
const service = new ProductsService(client);

Before you think that DI is only for object-oriented or class-based code, here’s the same concept using closures as a factory:

// services/productServicesFactory.js

export const productServicesFactory = initialClient => {
  const client = initialClient || new HttpClient();

  return {
    async lookupAllProducts() {
      return client.fetchProducts();

    async lookupNewProducts() {
      const products = await client.fetchProducts();
      return products.filter(product => product.isNew);

    async lookupProductsWithPromo() {
      const products = await client.fetchProducts();
      return products.filter(product => product.promos.length > 0);

// Usage:
//   const {lookupNewProducts} = productServicesFactory();
//   lookupNewProducts.then(newProducts => { /* do stuff */ });

Dependency Injection with React Context

So how can we use React Context to implement simple dependency injection into our React applications, and what benefits can it give us?

Let’s dive into a small React example. Consider this scenario:

// components/Products.jsx
import React from 'react';

  loading: true,
  error: null,
  products: []

function Products() {
  const [response, setResponse] = useState(INITIAL_STATE);

  useEffect(() => {
      .then(resp => resp.json())
      .then(data => setResponse({loading: false, products: data}))
      .catch(error => setResponse({loading: false, error}))
  }, [])

  if (response.loading) {
    return <LoadingSpinner />

  if (response.error) {
    return <ErrorPage error={response.error} />

  return (
      { => (
        <Product {...product} />

Now, how would we write an automated test with React Testing Library for this component? You’ll need to mock out our network layer for starters. Here’s an example almost verbatim from the RTL docs:

// components/__tests__/Products.test.jsx
import React from 'react'
import { rest } from 'msw'
import { setupServer } from 'msw/node'
import { render, waitFor, screen } from '@testing-library/react'
import '@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect'
import {Products} from '../Products.jsx'

// Mock out the entire network layer!
const server = setupServer(
  rest.get('/api/products', (req, res, ctx) => {
    return res(ctx.json([
      {id: 1, title: 'First Product', /* more data */},
      {id: 2, title: 'Second Product', /* more data */}

// Don't forget these or else your test cases and test suites
// will bleed together :/
beforeAll(() => server.listen())
afterEach(() => server.resetHandlers())
afterAll(() => server.close())

test('loads and displays products', async () => {
  render(<Products />)

  // Wait for some UI element that appears when loading finishes
  await waitFor(() => screen.getByText('Products List'))

  // Make assertions on what should be on the screen
  expect(screen.queryByTitle('First Product')).toBeInTheDocument()
  // ... moar assertions ...

test('loads a different list of products', async () => {
  // shadow the URL handler with a NEW handler
    rest.get('/api/products', (req, res, ctx) => {
      return res(ctx.json([
        {id: 3, title: 'Third PROMO Product', promotion: {}},
        {id: 4, title: 'Fourth Product'}

  render(<Products />)

  // moar awaits and assertions

So because we’re using the global Fetch API directly in our React component, we now need to set up (and tear down) an entire network mocking service. And we’ll need to do it for every component test suite we ever write. Hmmmm ok. There’s definitely a place for that approach. But consider some issues, not particularly with the mocking itself, but with the design of our Component:

  1. If our API endpoint /api/products changes its data format, we need to update every React component that queries it and every corresponding test.
  2. For handling the myriad of network error cases (400, 401, 404, 500, oh my), we’ll need to deal with them right here in our view component.

Why do my view components know about networks again?

Now, we can address these things better by adding some indirection by extracting to a separate function/module, but what if we go a step further and take a page out of the book of all those other libraries like Redux, Recoil, and Apollo and inject our services factory example from earlier via context into this component.

First, create the custom context:

// DepsContext.js
import {createContext, useContext} from 'react';

const DepsContext = createContext({});

export function useDeps() {
  return useContext(DepsContext);

export function DepsProvider({children,}) {
  return (
    <DepsContext.Provider value={services}>

Then introduce our context provider into our React tree. We’ll just stick it at the top with App since it’s static and never changes.

// App.jsx
import React from 'react';
import {DepsProvider} from './DepsContext.js';
import {Products} from './components/Products.jsx';
import {
} from './services/productServicesFactory.js';

export function App() {
  return (
    <DepsProvider productServicesFactory={productServicesFactory}>
      <Products />

And now consume the context value to get our services factory function and replace our fetch() call inside of the useEffect():

// components/Products.jsx
import {useDeps} from '../DepsContext.js';

// ... same ...

function Products() {
  const {productServicesFactory} = useDeps();
  const [response, setResponse] = useState(INITIAL_STATE);

  useEffect(() => {
    const {lookupAllProducts} = productServicesFactory();
      .then(data => setResponse({loading: false, products: data}))
      .catch(error => setResponse({loading: false, error}));

    // Add to deps array cuz we're good citizens, but it won't
    // break if we didn't
  }, [productServicesFactory]);

  // ... same ...

Stick with me here because the component change is super small and easy to underappreciate. On the surface, it seems like all we did was swap fetch() for lookupAllProducts() which wouldn’t be very interesting. Instead, focus on that first line of the component:

const {productServicesFactory} = useDeps();

We didn’t just alias our global fetch() to a custom function. We injected our custom function into the component via context. The implications of this change become more obvious when we add supporting code like tests, or when we want to use our component in a different way.

How much can we simplify our test now that we started injecting the dependency?

// components/__tests__/Products.test.jsx
import React from 'react'
import { render, waitFor, screen } from '@testing-library/react'
import '@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect'
import {Products} from '../Products.jsx'
import {DepsProvider} from '../../DepsContext.jsx'

const getFactory = data => () => {
  return {
    async lookupAllProducts() {
      return data

test('loads and displays products', async () => {
        {id: 1, title: 'First Product', /* more data */},
        {id: 2, title: 'Second Product', /* more data */},
      <Products />
  // Wait for some UI element that appears when loading finishes
  await waitFor(() => screen.getByText('Products List'))

  // Make assertions on what should be on the screen
  expect(screen.queryByTitle('First Product')).toBeInTheDocument()
  // ... moar assertions ...

test('loads a different list of products', async () => {
        {id: 3, title: 'Third PROMO Product', promotion: {}},
        {id: 4, title: 'Fourth Product'}
      <Products />

  // moar awaits and assertions

That’s a lot simpler with a much smaller surface area in concepts and 3rd-party packages.

  1. No Mock Service Worker or other network mocking magic
  2. No import mocking
  3. No reliance on features specific to one or another Test Suite

What does a Storybook preview file look like?

// components/__stories__/Products.stories.js
import React from 'react';
import { DepsProvider } from '../../DepsContext.jsx'
import { Products } from '../Products';

const productServicesFactory = () => {
  return {
    async lookupAllProducts() {
      return [
        {id: 1, title: 'First Product', /* more data */},
        {id: 2, title: 'Second Product', /* more data */},

export default {
  title: 'Products',
  component: Products,
  decorators: [
    (Story) => (
      <DepsProvider productServicesFactory={productServicesFactory}>
        <Story />

This looks quite a bit like our test file. In fact, because our solution isn’t tied to either the Storybook or Jest libraries, we could apply some standard engineering practices and extract our factory setup to a shared fixtures module where we stored common setup.

What if we had gone down the mocks road in our tests? We could set up Mock Service Worker (which has a handy Storybook addon) in both tests and Storybook and that would solve our networking problem, but it’s still just addressing a symptom of our problem rather than the root cause. And how confident are you that you’ll only ever need to mock out network calls? I’m not confident. And remember, outside of our test suite, mocking may be hard.

So dependency injection actually helped us side-step coupling issues not only in our application code, but also in our support code: e.g. tests and previews. Why? Because our code is more flexible about its dependencies, it can be naturally used in more places. We got a lot of reusability for a very small investment.

That has other big implications. As I said in a previous example, DI lets us swap out implementations easily.

// App.jsx
// ... same imports ...
import {useIsBetaOptInUser} from './hooks'
import {
} from './services/productServicesFactory.js';

export function App() {
  const isBeta = useIsBetaOptInUser();
  const factoryDep = isBeta
    ? NEW_productServicesFactory
    : productServicesFactory;

  return (
    <DepsProvider productServicesFactory={factoryDep}>
      <Products />

Or maybe something really wild:

// App.jsx
// ... same imports ...

export function App() {
  const isBeta = useIsBetaOptInUser();
  return (
    isBeta ? (
      <DepsProvider productServicesFactory={NEW_factory}>
          <Products />
          <NewComponent />
          <AnotherNewComponent />
    ) : (
      <DepsProvider productServicesFactory={OLD_factory}>
          <Products />

Notice that none of these scenarios required even a single change to the <Products /> component. This is the upside of dependency injection with React Context. And we did it all ourselves with only a few lines of code that are clear, use APIs that are unlikely to change, and we have total ownership over. That’s a great recipe for maintainability!

Shameless Plug for React Decoupler

You’ll notice that while our little DI system is clear, explicit, and useful, it isn’t very powerful. The dependency we actually want to replace is our HttpClient inside our ProductsService (or productServicesFactory) but we need to either replace or instantiate our direct dependency first in order to get at the inner dependency.

So I wrote a thing: React Decoupler. It’s not super fancy, but it’s a little more powerful. And it’s reached v1 now with a stable API. It’s a very simple dependency injection utility designed to help you decouple your React components from outside concerns and make it easier to reuse, refactor, and test your code. It’s all based around a ServiceLocator container object (read some Martin Fowler about service locator objects) which is passed through React Context and keeps track of registered dependencies and their relationships with other dependencies.

A condensed example looks like this:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {
  DecouplerProvider, ServiceLocator, useServices, Lookup
} from 'react-decoupler';
import {ProductsService} from './services/ProductsService.js';
import {HttpClient} from './services/HttpClient.js';

const locator = new ServiceLocator();

// NOTE: Register dependencies (services) on the locator with
// a key and the dependency
locator.register('HttpClient', HttpClient);

// NOTE: In the options, a dependency can indicate it's own
// dependencies with the `Lookup()` function.
locator.register('ProductsService', ProductsService, {
  withParams: [Lookup('HttpClient')]

// NOTE: Any code with a reference to the `locator` instance
// can lookup registered dependencies directly.
// const [dep1] = locator.resolve(['<dep1-key>']);

function App() {
  const [ProductsService] = useServices(['ProductsService'])
  const [loading, setLoading] = React.useState(false)
  const [data, setData] = React.useState([])

  React.useEffect(() => {
    const service = new ProductsService()
      .finally(() => setLoading(false))
  }, [ProductsService])

  if (loading) {
    return <div>Loading...</div>

  return (
      {/* do stuff with data*/}

  <DecouplerProvider locator={locator}>
    <App />

Checkout the project’s example/ directory for an even more in-depth example.

I’ll admit upfront that it doesn’t have any TypeScript or FlowType annotations yet because (a) I don’t use them, and (b) I haven’t taken the time to think through the static types for this project (IoC Containers like this can be tricky to statically type). If that’s a dealbreaker, I understand. Maybe you’ll consider being the contributor that helps get static types into the project. ;)


Don’t think of React Context as “a way to manage React state”. Think of it as “a way to manage React dependencies”. When you have some bit of code that isn’t necessarily dependent on React, consider extracting it and perhaps even injecting it with the React Context API. All the best libraries do it: Redux, Apollo, React Query, Recoil, MobX. And you should too. Your components will be more testable, more reusable, and more maintainable.

Thank you for reading!

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