Leading Effective Software Teams


What does it mean for a Software Engineering team to be effective? Productive? Happy? Impactful? This has been on my mind a lot as I’ve stepped into management in this part of my career. I’ve begun to collect my thoughts into this post. Many of the ideas apply to projects of any kind, but some of the advice I’ll give will be tailored specifically to software projects projects and teams. Many of the ideas here build off of this earlier article “Good Software from the Software Engineer’s Perspective” where I analyze the things that make an Application “good”.

  1. Evaluate performance
  2. Cultivate collaboration
  3. Invest in testing
  4. Enrich the developer experience
  5. Manage projects with agility
  6. Regulate tool adoption

Evaluate performance

“The real problem is that programmers have spent far too much time worrying about efficiency in the wrong places and at the wrong times; premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming.”

  • Donald Knuth, The Art of Programming

How do you avoid premature optimization? You wait to optimize code until it has demonstrated a measureable problem, and then you tailor a solution to address that measured problem. The process begins with creating a benchmark, a metric, to compare against.

In this way, people are the same. To get clear improvement, begin by identifying a relevant metric, and then tailor solutions to improve that metric. This is true for individuals as well as teams. Do you think the team could get more done in a sprint? Measure velocity, report on it, follow-up on it, talk about it as a team. Identify confounding variables and metrics within sprint velocity that may contribute to pulling the final velocity result down:

The goal is to identify something that could be better, find a metric that measures it, and then dig into the behavior to discover the underlying behaviors that affect that metric.

Note of caution: you get what you measure. Metrics are a double-edged blade, cutting in both directions. When you put emphasis on a metric, you are putting your thumb on the scale of incentives, and as any economist knows, incentive manipulation is tricksy business with a level of unpredictability. Humans are really good at gaming the system, engineers doubly so. And they often don’t do it maliciously or even consciously. Be on the lookout for the potential that emphasizing some metric may be driving behaviors you don’t actually want.

A light touch is the most preferable way to adjust incentives unless you’re absolutely sure of the risk-reward tradeoff of doubling down on some metric. Tying metric behavior to compensation is the opposite of light touch, and if you’ve ever been involved in a Sales floor, that is blatantly obvious. Remember, sales teams get away with tying all their metrics to compensation because they are very comfortable with firing low performers based on the metrics they identify. Are you confident enough in your metrics to fire a team member over them? Is the cost of finding and onboarding a new engineer the same as a new salesperson? In my experience, “no” is usually the answer.

Cultivate collaboration

Onboarding to a new project is notoriously difficult in the software world. Different paradigms, new terminology, unfamiliar problem domain, human programmer idiosyncrasies; all combine to a mountain of mental effort for a newcomer engineer. The problem plays out on the small scale as well as engineers get introduced to new parts of the system after weeks or months of working in others.

At the same time, your team is at constant risk of siloization as engineers become more knowledgeable in some subsystem or skilled with a certain set of tactical approaches. Engineer brains often turn inward as they get mentally comfortable.

Pair Programming

Pair programming is an excellent antidote to both problems. In a pairing experience, you can ask all the little nitty gritty questions that come up during the work but that you never remember by tomorrow’s daily standup or next week’s manager 1:1. This is valuable not only to the newbie but also to the long-time team member just stepping into a new project.

I’ve found it useful to set team goals and follow-up plans when introducing or increasing the amount of pair programming on a team. Setting daily targets of 30 minutes or cumulative weekly targets of 2-3 hours can be a good starting point. Also, having a rule similar to “pair with at least N different people” can be good to introduce some variety into the pool, and break up that one friend group that you would easily believe spends 2 hours a day “pairing” exclusively with each other where they just gab about their amazing Pokemon’ collection nonstop.

Cut the DMs

To aid in collaboration and breaking down silos, I’ve become a firm believer in pushing project discussions out of private chat DMs and into shared team channels. The majority of collaboration can and should take place in public channels to promote open sharing of information. Project work and questions should not be conducted and raised via direct messages or private group messages. If one person on the team has a question about the project, likely others do. If important decisions were made or information exchanged relevant to future project work, there’s a very good chance it will need to be communicated to other team members in the future and then reiterated all over again.

Encourage your team to think this way about communication. Consider each new message thread and ask yourself if the team would possibly benefit from visibility into that conversation. More often than not, the answer ends up being “yes”.

My goto approach is to have two channels per-team: one public, one private. The public channel is where stakeholders and other teams interact with this team. The private channel is scoped to only the team members to create a comfortable space for them to use team understood technical or project jargon, brainstorm ideas that aren’t ready for external adoption or follow-up, and generally experience togetherness and companionship as a team. This is the channel for all your cat memes where you don’t have to worry about the boss judging your comedic tastes.

Within these two channels, all project and team coordination occurs. Need to ask a specific team member a question about a ticket or some code block? Mention them in private chat and start a threaded conversation. In this way, other team members have the opportunity to jump in or to simply be edified by just reading the discussion. Do you start that question in public or private chat? That decision is more nuanced, but generally breaks down to whether the question is fundamentally about technical implementation or the problem domain. If technical: private team chat. If problem domain, public chat where the stakeholders (i.e. domain experts) can see and optionally become involved.

I’ve also found this practice to be a good way to decrease or prevent altogether negative or abusive communications, which usually rely on happening in private chats and DMs. A bad actor on the team has a hard time (a) acting on abusive tendencies and (b) hiding it, so this approach both reduces harm and speeds up discovery. Having a team-wide policy on this “all convos in team channel” approach also provides an additional protective tool to potential victims: if someone slides into your DMs with inappropriate or negative comments, you have an opportunity to blamelessy redirect the conversation “the team rule is to have these discussions in the team channel, so if you want to continue this conversation, we will have it there”. I encourage my team, and lead by example, to copy-paste the DM convo into the team-chat and continue the discussion in a thread there. When intentions are good, this can be done effortlessly and blamelessly. When intentions are bad, this has a desirable chilling effect on shitty, underhanded, and passive-aggressive comments.

Invest in Testing

This is the part where I plagiarize myself on the article I wrote prior about “Good Software from the Software Engineer’s Perspective”:

The tenants of Test Driven Development (TDD) tells us that there’s a difference in kind between “testing for defects” and “testing to drive code design”. They are not the same thing, even though they may use the same tooling and involve similar code. Unit tests in TDD are valuable not because they catch defects, but because of when they can catch defects: in a tight feedback loop of the development process at the moment of the pertinent change. Because they are used this way, unit tests can enable API experimentation as the Engineer receives immediate feedback while taking the viewpoint of the consumer of the API, rather than only as it’s author.

Let’s use a React JavaScript/TypeScript project as an example here to be concrete about some approaches.

If you want good unit tests in your React project, it presupposes that you extracted code out of your React (UI) layer so it can be separately designed and tested. I’ll go further and say you should intend to pull as much logic out of your React layer as possible. Do it ’til it hurts. This includes pulling logic and code out of Components, Hooks, and Context Providers. With the logic outside of your React UI layer, you can truly unit test it and focus on making a good design and modeling of your problem domain. Again, your goal with unit tests of this code is more than to just verify the behavior. The tests are also helping you refine your API and providing scenario based documentation for the code under test.

Your React Component tests, (which you’re writing with React Testing Library and trying to model after real user interactions, right?!), are your integration tests. This is where you can do serious verification of features and basic user workflow verification. Remember, the goal here is to see how things interact, so you want to mock some things, but not everything. Remember, these aren’t unit tests. You shouldn’t be intending to test a UI or system component in total isolation. Instead, your goal should be verifying this component with as many of it’s collaborators as possible, is behaving as intended.

End-to-end tests are an excelelnt tool for validating the application as a whole, especially during important checkpoints such as pre- or post-deploy. These tests should rarely mock anything. They are probably written in Selenium or Cypress. They are high-fidelity, but very slow, brittle, and finicky. Don’t overinvest your testing here as they are slowest to write and slowest to run, but don’t neglect them either, because they provide the richest set of data. Use them for broad strokes verification of a few key workflows.

Enrich Developer Experience (DevEx)

As programmers, we aren’t too dissimilar from other craftspeople, and craftspeople commonly spend time making and refining their own tools. Carpenters and machinists alike make templates and jigs to speed up their repetitive work. We can and should lean into this where we can, while keeping our eye on the prize for why we do it: to improve our ability to deliver quality software.

Script all the things. The repetitive tasks are prime candidates. And utilize your NPM scripts facility. I recommend writing scripts in Node.js sans-typescript to avoid a compile step and lean into the constraint that scripts should be small interchangeable utilities where possible, which doesn’t fit well with the TypeScript model anyways.

Add Prettier and ESLint to your project. Use the eslint-config-prettier and let Prettier own all formatting decisions while ESLint owns simple static analysis and code style guide.

Run tests and and enforce your formatting and linting checks in your CI system. Oh, also, have a CI system. Yeah, that’s important. Now, everyplace that hosts code also includes a built-in way to execute tasks on PR, push, and merge. Set that shit up.

Which leads to this next one: enforce behavior in CI, not in git hooks. This is really just a continuance of my everlasting crusade to personally rip Husky out of every project I find. But biases aside, let me be clear: git hooks are a terrible place to run formatting, linting, type checks, and other static analysis. Just terrible as a model. It’s like doing validation on the client. You may get the feedback earlier, but you open a can of worms where can’t depend on the data being clean when it goes to the backend because so many ways exist to bypass your client. Git hooks are the same way. They always make git interactions slower, and dear gawd, why would we punish developers for making commits when it’s an objectively good practice for developers to commit small changes often; a pre-commit hook running any Node.js tool is guaranteed to make that good behavior painful. Again, think of incentives. So, git hooks always have a cost, but you can’t rely on their benefit because it’s trivial to purposely or accidentally disable the git hook locally. In the end, if you want to be sure, you always have to run your enforcement in CI anyways.

Fail the CI build if a PR (a) fails tests, (b) doesn’t pass prettier formatting, (c) fails linting, or (d) fails type-checking.

When talking about linting, I add a word of caution about overdoing it on the “code style guides” and “consistency” demands. Let me tell you, as your friend, that your code style is the least interesting thing about you and least important of your skills.

Don’t fall down the style and consistency pit. Sometimes they matter, many times they’re irrelevant. It really doesn’t matter if the code base consistently uses const fn = () => {}; or function fn() {} for all functions. What matters is that the code design and architecture is cohesive and you don’t have competing patterns or half-migrated patterns where you have the old and new ways of doing some operation, coexisting now for 3 years because nobody took the time to go and fix all those old code paths.

“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day. — ‘Ah, so you shall be sure to be misunderstood.’ — Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.”

  • Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Self-Reliance”

Lastly, configure an automatic deploy to some staging or integration environment for every merge to your main trunk. Just do it. The feedback of having an automatic deploy is hugely beneficial to the engineering team and also provides a natural way to get immediate feedback from external stakeholders.

Manage projects with agility (aka Agile Project Management)

In my career, I’ve been on highly successful Scrum teams, Kanban teams, Extreme Programming (XP; my fav) teams, and even once … gasp … a waterfall team. You can launch a successful project and run a productive team in all of these ways. A key to remember is that you’re dealing with people and how they interact with each other. The goal, more often than not, is to tailor a process to fit your people, not people to fit your process.

All that being said, I’ve seen Agile based processes work well the most consistently, and my theory is that they do the best job at reacting to change and incorporating feedback into the process. I have some pointers about parts of the project management process that are often overlooked, regardless of the methodology you’re using.

Short Iterations

First, choose the shortest iteration/sprint length that the team and organization can handle. If you find sprint planning long and hard, or have difficulty planning work for the last week of a sprint, your sprint might be too long. Reducing the sprint will give you shorter planning horizons. If stakeholders are changing the requirements in the middle of a sprint, your sprint might be too long. Reducing the sprint length will bring you more in line with the external rate of change.

I’ve found one (1) week to be the Gold Standard iteration length. It’s short enough that you almost never have to interrupt an iteration for some high-priority change because the next sprint is only a few days away. It’s long enough to let you do meaty things. Accurately forecasting which tasks can be done in one week is much easier than multi-week. If a task is big enough that it’s expected to take longer than a week, it almost certainly needs to be broken down further. As well, capacity planning for time-off and holidays is very easy when looking at just one week.

The key, practical difficulty in implementing a one week sprint is that a team has to be really effective at the sprint planning (start) and retrospective (end) meetings, because you do them so often. But there’s a balancing action here because your planning horizon is so short, you usually have less to plan and subsequently less to review in retrospective.

The only serious pushes for shorter iterations than 1 week are from the Kanban crowd, which pushes the “sprint” to a timeframe of “one task”, and thereby destroys the concept of sprint, and I’m not fully sold on that outside of special case scenarios. I find value in organizing work into finite iterations, with defined and periodic start and end times, with clear commitments, and standardized touch-points before, during and after.

Control WIP

Second, control work in progress (WIP). It’s not good for engineers to have multiple tickets “In progress” at the same time. Having a pile up of tickets waiting for code review (or QA review, or product review) also represents a significant risk. The goal is to expedite tasks through the process as quickly as possible to your defined Done state (ideally, “Done” means “in front of users”). Key to expediting work is avoiding (a) context switching and (b) re-work.

Context switching most often happens when engineers move on too quickly from task transitions to picking new tasks. They forget that “In review” is also WIP, just like “In progress”. Usually, it’s better to wait before picking up your next task, so that you can be unencumbered while the following steps of the process complete and be ready to step in where appropriate. It’s better to move to reviewing other PRs immediately after you put one up for review rather than immediately picking up another ticket to move “In progress”.

I’m also a big fan of locally conducted PR reviews (LCPR), which involve pulling down PR branches to your own machine and reviewing the changes within your development environment. Then, as you have suggestions, committing your suggestions to the branch and pushing to that PR. This process should be explicit upfront, because it can be jarring to have team mates unexpectedly push to a branch that you are working on. With proper expectations in place, it has many benefits. First, nitpicks aren’t nearly as big of a deal if the person making them is also the person fixing them. Second, it de-incentivizes drive-by reviews where an engineer makes suggestions for vague and speculative changes without clear costs and benefits in mind, or when they suggest extravagant changes that have sweeping implications for the rest of the implementation (perhaps even outside of the scope of the original task). In an LCPR, the expectation would be for the reviewer to contribute to this implementation them self, which has the magical effect of making them far more aware of the actual cost-benefits of their suggestions.

Regulate tool adoption

Using the Web, JavaScript, and React ecosystems as concrete examples again, any observer can see that the pace of change is immense. Not quite as much as they were circa 2014-17, but they still move at an impressively daunting speed. In the last 2 years, we’ve also seen Machine/Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence tooling and systems explode in number and popularity.

Part of your job is staying on-top-of new developments in the ecosystem, porting the useful ones to your application, and generally keeping your application well-positioned in the ever-changing and shifting terrain. This is difficult work, fraught with opportunities to lose yourself in noise and hype.

The Risk of Ecosystem Shifts

“Bit rot” has long been derided as myth, but engineers should be wary before dismissing it out of hand. While nothing may be physically rotting in your computer’s memory or storage, the ecosystem around it is constantly shifting. Consider the very real risk of a React application becoming stale by it’s dependencies becoming out-of-date (or worse, unavailable). This could be styling and component libraries, state management libraries, build tooling, API querying and caching tools, test runners, linters and formatters, typescript, or Node.js itself.

The real risk isn’t that those things randomly stop working, because as long as the correct version of everything remains available the code will still build and run (although the left-pad debacle showed us that isn’t necessarily a safe assumption). BUT, the moment you want to change something, each change causes larger ripples of changes throughout the app. If you update one library with a critical bug or vulnerability, all of a sudden you break several other libraries that depend on it and need updated themselves. Down the rabbit hole you go. Then, before you know it, what would have been a trivial change 4 years ago takes you a week now because you need to clean-up and and refactor code before you even get the chance to make the original change. Anyone who has ever tried to go back and pickup a side-project from years before knows exactly what I mean.

And then, let’s think about all the little supplemental changes to the ecosystem. You ever try finding documentation for an obsolete version of a small library? How about finding blog posts on how to use some old tool from 5 years ago that nobody uses anymore. Search engines prioritize new content, so you’ll always be fighting the algorithm on your web searching. Not to mention, since so much of our community content is published by amateur writers in their spare time, it’s a common occurrence that blog posts simply disappear after a few years.

Your responsibility to navigate the shifts

Your job at work is to ensure that doesn’t happen to the company application on your watch. Which means that you need to build into your project time and manpower to routinely be updating and refactoring the code base to keep it positioned within the center of the ecosystem.

On the other hand, you need to balance this pull with a crystal clear understanding that all ecosystems climbing to the apex of their hype cycle will experience a degree of churn that is irrelevant in the long-term, and not waste time chasing every new fad and incorporating every new tool or library just because it might be a big deal. Thus, this section is called “regulate tool adoption” because you need to find the right balance and internal regulation for how you approach adopting new tools.

One suggestion that I’ll give is to always require that any new tool or library that’s added to the project should have a pre-requisite of a clear and documented plan (probably as developer task tickets) for migrating the whole code base to adopt that new tool/library. This helps avoid fracturing the code base with every new addition, while also acting as a self-limiter on enthusiastic developers who may be overly excited about a tool before they’ve adequately considered the costs. The goal should be to minimize the time that the application is in some intermediate state between migrations. Stop starting, and start finishing.


Give these thoughts a think. Reach me at @TommyGroshong on Twitter.

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